Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dare to grow?


              Have any of you considered growing a beard? or have some of you tried but failed? Ill be honest Its not easy. some of men grow facial hair that is patchy and uneven (been their). Others grow facial hair in different directions (am currently their). A ton of men hate how itchy and hot they get. while others just can't design a beard they like. But Gentleman we here at We Are Gentleman we'll give 5 helpful tips that will help any man grow and maintain their beard.

          1. Before you even start growing remember to clean you face regularly.


               Remember keeping your face clean before you even begin to grow your is extremely important. theirs nothing worse then having a clogged pore but imagine trying to deal with that annoying thing when your barely growing a beard. Tip try using a basic face wash every two days and use as directed.
                            2. Buy a  QUALITY facial hair grooming tool.

                Without a facial grooming tool it will be nearly impossible to sculpt a perfect beard. Those fine lines aren't defined by themselves so finding the right one is extremely important. Remember without the right tool you cant do the right job. Below is a great YouTube video developed by Electric Shaver Guide that takes four of the best grooming tools available and rating them: Hopefully it can help you decide.

          3.  Choose a length your comfortable maintaining and stick to it.

                   The majority of us men cant grow perfect beards like Bashing Ben on the right but that is OK if you can't. Their are a lot of great short stubble beards aka designer stubble beards like the one Classy Chris is rocking on the right. But what is not okay is over growing a beard you can't maintain. for example the man below...   
                        Yeah not a good look at all. So keep your beard maintained and clean regardless of the style.

        4. Define the beards lines


                       Keep those lines sharp. Trust us nothing is worse the having weird funky lines it breaks the visual stream line and makes your beard look awkward.
Tips for beard lines
  • Keep cheek lines in parallel to jaw line
  • If you have a strong jaw create the neck line right where the jaw ends ( that spot on your neck that where the jaw gets soft) follow that jawline and create that neck line
  • If you have a weaker jaw( more skin down their) locate your Adams apple put two fingers on top of it and where that top finger ends is the point where your beard starts. then shave strait from that point to the end of your jaw bone then do the same from the other side. This actually creates a shadowing effect that camouflages that extra skin. 

5. Treat your beard 
                           Finally remember your beard is hair and it needs to be washed otherwise you will have problems like dandruff. So invest in a beard wash or simply wash it with the shampoo you use in the shower. Tip is you want a more managed beard use conditioner that minimizes frizz.
                       Gentleman beards are amazing they can add a extra level of dimension to your face and make anyone of us look bashing. They do take finesse and if you do get it wrong you may look homeless... but follow our tips and theirs no way to get it wrong. Gentleman dare to grow something with style. Grow a beard!

Your fashion foward friends

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