Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is Chest hair still manly?



           Chest hair was once the symbol for masculinity. Back in the day if you though of a man; besides having a shlong you'd think of chest hair like the man below.

               And while today their are still some people who rock the chest fuzz like our boy Henry cavil.
           Most of us are leaving behind the chewbacca chest and opting for the new smooth chest like so


            Now their are many reasons why people are ridding themselves of hair on their chest. Swimmers do it to reduce drag when they swim: Soccer player do it to reduce friction burn on their legs; and bikers do it so if they fall they can clean the wound without the risk of infection. But for the regular man you can shave for what ever reason you want to: Remember its personally preference but if you do want too below there are tips on how too courtesy of us.
1.                                                                  Choose a style
              Its totally personal preference. You can go all natural to clean shaving and everything in between. you can trim it to any length you want and design it how ever you want. but when you pick a style stick with it.
    2. Whether you want to keep some or loose it all have a high quality grooming tool at hand. 

              It's important to have one of these at hand whether its to cut down on the length or remove it all these are a must. Also if you are shaving make sure you use the lowest setting and trim the chest hair to first before shaving. This reduces hair being pulled by the razor and actually gives it a easier shave.
 3.                                  If you have sensitive skin shave with the grain.
              All this means is shaving the direction your hair is growing out. The reason people with sensitive skin should do this is because it reduces the possibilities of bumps and ingrown hairs  and trust us no one wants to get jiggy with u if their are bumps and disgusting ingrown hairs.
4.                       If your keeping chest hair remember to treat it like the hair on your head

               Remember gentleman like any hair on your body it needs to be nurtured. just like your hair can have dandruff so can your chest and that's gross. Invest in a little anti dandruff shampoo like head and shoulders or neutrogena T jell to keep your skin non flaky. Also if you want your chest hair a little softer put a dime sized on your hand and scrub it in while taking a shower. Do this every 2 days and you will see a change .
5.                                                           Keep a routine and manage it.

                    Finally just keep managed their are a lotof men that never manage it and its like the amazon was miniaturized and put on their chest its not a good look trust us. So regardless of the style keep it managed.
                    Gentleman  chest hair is still a sign of masculinity but not managing it and letting the follicles run wild is bad for your own image. Remember men are hairy but no one should be asking you were your friend Han Solo is. So gentleman keep it managed and stylish and have a great day.
Your friends
Email us with any style questions
you have we will gladly answer.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pattern theory



                 Patterns are in sytle and they are looking dashing. But alot of you men are sticking to those solid colors possibly because matching multiple patterns to an outfit is a scary idea. But gentleman today we will break that solid rut and up your style game by 50 maybe even 60% by teaching you how to match patterns and join the new age of style. When we're finished you can stop looking like this.

And more like a Boss.

                In reality their is only two rules to keep in mind. The first rule is contrasting thickness. This thickness is the size of the pattern.  for example thin stripes like this v.s large thick stripes on the right.
Small strip
Thicker stripe


                 When placed in an outfit these to thicknesses should be contrasting for example.

         Notice the contrast in thickness on the stripe tie and the pinstripe suit. look at how thin stripes on the suit are vs. the stripes on the tie. notice how it still looks great while if the stripes were all the same size it would look funky.
           Rule number 2 is simple. Just like number one it has to do with contrasting but this time we are contrasting density. All that really means is how many times that pattern repeats itself in a giving volume for example.

                In this pokadot design on top the dots are tightly packed per square inch making the density thick. While on the bottom they are much more spread out making the density a little more spread out.
                Alright that was alot of information but here are some real life examples that will make it easier to understand.
              This man is applying both rules he is contrasting the plaid sport coats with the striped tie. notice the thickness and density differences between the two. The tie has thiner lines then the plaid sport coat and is more dense as well.

                  Here is another good example of diffrent patterns working with these rules. This gentleman has 4 diffrent patterns. Starting with the sport coat; it is a window pattern that isnt very dense and the strips are thin this contrast with the shirt witch is a plain that is significantly thincker and denser. The tie contrast both of these patterns by again the size of the dots and the desity that is somewhere in between the coat and the shirt. And finally the pocket square is just a little flare of sophisticaton.

                Even stars follow this idea. Starting with the 3 peace suit it has a plain design this has no density and no thicknes so it contrasts with any design. The tie is a pokadot design with smalldots it is also very dense witch contrast with the gygnuim shirt that is a little less dense and thicker. All and all he is looking dashing.
               Gentleman keep in mind style is that you can do anything you want. you can match checked, dots and plaid: or you can do solids, stripes and paisley; even gygnuim dots and houndstooth, the posiblities are endless. So gentleman follow these rules and have fun we promise you people will give you compliments. Have a great day gentleman.
Your friends

Friday, February 21, 2014

Character Does Count



A great pair of shoes won’t change the fact that you’re a dick to women. A stellar beard won’t change the fact that you’re rude and insulting. Not even that amazing Michael khors leather jacket that is made out of lamb skin and cost 500$ dollars will change the fact that a homeless man has more character in his personality then you ever had in your entire body.
Your personality is what defines you, and if you have a sloppy, insulting, ill mannered, ill-tempered personality NO AMOUNT OF FANCY CLOTHES OR PRECISION GROOMING CAN HIDE YOUR BAD PERSONALITY. It’s like garlic breath it repels people and whether you’re meeting your boss or meeting a person of special interest it will wreak and drive them away.

So you have that bad personality breath well we here at We Are Gentleman are here to help you with that stank. Below are 5 steps on how to start improving your and over all character

Build your personality one step at a time


1.       (Ask what your wife, kids, mom, friends what is your character): here’s the deal you see yourself the way you want to see yourself. So to get a real perspective of whom you are ask the people around you and I promise you will be surprised.

2.       (Compile a list from what people have said): on one side you’re good qualities on the other you’re bad.

3.       (Figure out why you have bad ones):  write down a few lines as to what made you that way it could be an outside or internal influence. Be honest this is for personal fulfilment only you will gain from it.

4.       (Asses and take action):  So look back at what you wrote is there any way you can improve (yes there will always be) like caring more or showing more emotion etc.  

5.       (Repeat): every 2-3 months you should repeat this process. Yes it will be a little tedious but over all you will make excellent improvement and you will see it the next time you ask.


Your personality defines. It’s important that you have a welcoming personality because it can really help open doors for you in both the business world and social world. Plus we can promise it will be a big self-esteem boost for anyone to hear “you have a great personality”.  Gentleman, improve that personality and improve yourself have a great day.
You’re Friends


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dare to grow?


              Have any of you considered growing a beard? or have some of you tried but failed? Ill be honest Its not easy. some of men grow facial hair that is patchy and uneven (been their). Others grow facial hair in different directions (am currently their). A ton of men hate how itchy and hot they get. while others just can't design a beard they like. But Gentleman we here at We Are Gentleman we'll give 5 helpful tips that will help any man grow and maintain their beard.

          1. Before you even start growing remember to clean you face regularly.


               Remember keeping your face clean before you even begin to grow your is extremely important. theirs nothing worse then having a clogged pore but imagine trying to deal with that annoying thing when your barely growing a beard. Tip try using a basic face wash every two days and use as directed.
                            2. Buy a  QUALITY facial hair grooming tool.

                Without a facial grooming tool it will be nearly impossible to sculpt a perfect beard. Those fine lines aren't defined by themselves so finding the right one is extremely important. Remember without the right tool you cant do the right job. Below is a great YouTube video developed by Electric Shaver Guide that takes four of the best grooming tools available and rating them: Hopefully it can help you decide.

          3.  Choose a length your comfortable maintaining and stick to it.

                   The majority of us men cant grow perfect beards like Bashing Ben on the right but that is OK if you can't. Their are a lot of great short stubble beards aka designer stubble beards like the one Classy Chris is rocking on the right. But what is not okay is over growing a beard you can't maintain. for example the man below...   
                        Yeah not a good look at all. So keep your beard maintained and clean regardless of the style.

        4. Define the beards lines


                       Keep those lines sharp. Trust us nothing is worse the having weird funky lines it breaks the visual stream line and makes your beard look awkward.
Tips for beard lines
  • Keep cheek lines in parallel to jaw line
  • If you have a strong jaw create the neck line right where the jaw ends ( that spot on your neck that where the jaw gets soft) follow that jawline and create that neck line
  • If you have a weaker jaw( more skin down their) locate your Adams apple put two fingers on top of it and where that top finger ends is the point where your beard starts. then shave strait from that point to the end of your jaw bone then do the same from the other side. This actually creates a shadowing effect that camouflages that extra skin. 

5. Treat your beard 
                           Finally remember your beard is hair and it needs to be washed otherwise you will have problems like dandruff. So invest in a beard wash or simply wash it with the shampoo you use in the shower. Tip is you want a more managed beard use conditioner that minimizes frizz.
                       Gentleman beards are amazing they can add a extra level of dimension to your face and make anyone of us look bashing. They do take finesse and if you do get it wrong you may look homeless... but follow our tips and theirs no way to get it wrong. Gentleman dare to grow something with style. Grow a beard!

Your fashion foward friends

Monday, February 17, 2014

Color Theory

         Have you ever heard "seriously your wearing that"or "dude what the h*** are you wearing"? And in your head your thinking "what the heck is wrong with what I'm wearing?... nothing man they're just stupid." Well hold on their clash of the titans. Before you go out looking like a hot mess consider this are you colors contrasting? Yeah because if your wearing colors that are not contrasting believe me you will look funky.

          Basically it works like this you get a color wheel (yes that round thing you used in elementary school) and you get any garment that you want in an outfit. you get that color go across it to wherever color that is. That color is its contrasting pair and you should probably try and find a way to incorporate that color some way into your outfit.
Here are a few examples of how color theory works.

         As you can see these gentleman have light orange belts and flower pins this contrasted among the blue washed jeans complement each other.
This fine gentleman actually perfects the combination between the yellow fun sport tie and the hipster purple shades.
And finally one our favorite and more fashion forward color combos green and red are displayed here by this gentleman. he rocks the green shirt and tie only because the red pants make it pop in the outfit rather then dull it out.
              So gentleman next time you here your friend say "dude that looks like crap" go up to your room look into the mirror. be honest is their contrast if not use color theory and i can promise you it will make your friend a little jealous.
A tip from your friends at We Are Gentleman

Welcome Gentleman


                 Congratulations, finally after years of searching good style advice you have found the perfect match. Here at We Are Gentleman we will discuss everything everything in male style from color theory to how to create perfect outfits that complement a your own body type and everything in between. We will discuss the gory details of a mans grooming regimen such as the does and dont's about manscaping, how to maintain a beard and yes even how to choose a new hair style based on hair type. Lastly our blog will enlighten men on how to actually be men. yes we will go over manners and etiquette's men should follow ( like opening doors for ladies what ever happened to that really?) and what is a man today. So from everyone here at We Are Gentleman we welcome you. We will have alot of fun discussing these aspects of men and feel free to email us any questions on male style, grooming or etiquette you may have we will email you in return or post it for our blog as our next topic.
Your friends